Saturday, October 15, 2016

Key Principles for Success

This blog will layout my key principles for success.

Over my many years in the workforce and through reading 100's of books, I've learned a number of things that I feel contributed to my success or could potentially contribute if I make it to a habit.

Each post will address a key principle that I've encountered. While writing this I will try to prioritize and organize the principles. I may abbreviate them to KP but that violates one of my key principles which is to always define acronyms.

At some point I will try to turn this into an eBook and then maybe a course, presentation but I will be looking for ways to monetize it.

Any advice you have on the contents of this blog will greatly be appreciated especially the first to comment.

Why should you listen to anything I have to say? I'm not famous or rich. I'm not that good of a writer,  but I'm an astute observer of what works and what doesn't and an advid reader of self-help/non-fiction, which happens to be one of my KPs. One principle I call Buy low sell high via Doug Hall which is a rule that says simple rules are hard to execute like "buy low sell high."

So just because there is a good rule more is needed to follow it. I'll try to help you and myself apply these principles.

If you have any Key Principles that you'd like me to discuss. Please comment below and as I said before the first people with good comments are appreciated the most by me.

A little about myself.

I was born in the Bronx, NY to a middle class family.

I'm somewhat intelligent with an IQ of 136. I skipped the 8th grade and made a prestigious school, Bronx High School of Science. I never had a good memory though, as the first book I ever bought was The Memory Book by Harry Lorayne and Jerry Lucas. I wonder if my poor memory has been compensated by problem solving, creativity, and learning skills.

I've always been very curious and willing to learn new things including a creativity and problem-solving skills.

I'm also skilled at technology, computer programming, etc.

The current skill I'm working on is thanks to Scott Adams Persuasion, where I amassed over 1,000 techniques used to persuade.

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